We have wide ranging activities for everyone on a weekly basis. Below is what happens during a typical week.

Sunday Celebration - Every Sunday @ 9am &10:45am

Our Sunday Celebrations are a vital and vibrant part of our week where we come together to meet with God and each other. We take time to express our love for God in sung worship with the help of our live music team, to hear and respond to the truth of scripture and to encourage one another in a fun-filled family atmosphere.

Children and young people enjoy their own sessions (10:45 service) led by teams of experienced and certified volunteers and after the service there is always an exciting buzz as our diverse church family catches up over refreshments.

If you are unable to join us in person for any reason then feel free to join us online! Our 10:45 service is streamed live on our YouTube channel every Sunday. - perhaps you would like to subscribe to our channel and keep up to date with our services and other content.

Connect Groups - Midweek

These are our weekly small groups that are another vital part of our Church family. They happen at various homes or online and at various times. Please get in touch if you would like to join a group.

Full details can be found here.

Praise & Pray - Every Tuesday

This is our weekly prayer meeting that takes place at 9:30am every Tuesday.

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The Alpha Course

Alpha (alpha.org.uk) is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. No pressure. No follow up. No charge. 

Check back here to find out when the next course will be run.

Freedom in Christ

Freedom in Christ (ficm.org.uk/discipleship-course) is a course that helps individuals to become fruitful disciples. This is particularly valuable for those looking to find breakthrough in certain areas and grow in the truth of who God says we are. 

Check back here to find out when the next course will be run.