At Elim Aberystwyth we are passionate about the development and encouragement of our children and young people.

We believe all young people should have a place in church life where they feel welcome and enjoy getting to know God.

We want our children’s ministries to be places where seeking God and His will is central in all we do; Our principle aim is that we are raising Kingdom Kids who know Kingdom Lives, growing with God with values and hearts for the world and people - both around them and further off.

All people who work to serve our children and young people are appointed and operate within our safeguarding policy and procedures, which can be found here: Elim Aberystwyth safeguarding policy.

Children's ministries meet in term time and are split into four age ranges.


Crèche is for children from 0 years until they enter reception year at school and provides songs, crafts and activities – at this time the creche group meets once a month but their room and toys are available every week with a live stream of the main service, so that parents can stay with their children and not miss out.

Seedlings & Planted:

Seedlings is for children between Reception at school and year 3.

Planted is for children between year 4 and year 6.

Planted and Seedlings meet every week during the Sunday celebration with a full programme of teaching designed to develop children in a fun and creative atmosphere.


Rooted is for young people of secondary school age and they meet twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Sundays during the Sunday celebration, activities normally include playing games, studying a topic or part of the Bible, and praying together.

Elim  Youth

Elim Youth Club is for young people of secondary school age and meets every Friday in term time on in our downstairs lounge from 5:15pm – 6:30pm activities are normally based around games and friendship.

If you wish to get in contact with the teams: