Joel Maylor-Pridmore
Senior Pastor
Joel has been our pastor since September 2012 having previously served at Swansea City Church, City Church St Albans and Cheltenham Elim Church. He is married to Louise and between them they have five children and two lively dogs! He grew up in Honiton in Devon before studying for a degree in Sports Science and subsequently working for the chaplaincy and the sports department at the University of Gloucestershire.
Joel is passionate about helping people to connect with God, experience His love and find their identity in Christ. He is an established worship leader and songwriter, being a part of the leadership team of Elim Sound and having led worship and delivered training at numerous conferences and events across the UK and oversees.
When he’s not ministering in church or with Elim Sound, Joel can often be found indulging his slight obsessions with guitars, football and finding bargains!

David Fardouly
David is an Australian who moved to the UK in 1983. He is a retired dentist, who is now working harder than ever on his smallholding. For 5 years, David worked for Bob Gordon helping him to write a number of Christian books.
He is married to Jackie and has two adult children, Peter and Jessica.
David has been on the leadership team of a number of UK churches. He is passionate about teaching Scripture and believes that God wants us to prepare for a great outpouring of His Spirit in this area of Wales.

Jon King
Jonathan King (Jon.) joined our fellowship with his wife, Sharon, and their family when they moved here from Pembrokeshire in 2009. He has served on Session and occupied a leadership role in various guises for most of that time.
Jon works as a vet in the local veterinary diagnostic lab and lectures at the University. He lives on a small holding with his family farming a few sheep, pigs, chickens and veg. Other interests include music and sport.
Jon. is passionate about the authority of scripture and discipleship, to help believers understand their new identity in Christ. His favourite scripture is 2 Cor 5:17.

Sharon King
Sharon was born and brought up in Aberystwyth but moved away to university where she met her husband Jon. In 2009 the family, moved back to Aberystwyth where they joined Elim Aberystwyth.
Sharon is a Welsh speaker, and the children are brought up bilingually. She is the Safeguarding Co-ordinator for the church and is a part of the Worship leading team. She joined the leadership team in October 2018.
Sharon's favourite scripture is Psalm 121.

Edore Akpokodje
Edore is originally from Nigeria and moved to the UK to do his PhD in Computer Science at Aberystwyth University in 2015. He now works as a Lecturer in the same University. He is married to Vera who he meet while doing his Masters degree in Nigeria and they are blessed with three lovely children.
Edore is passionate to see people come to know the love of God and loves to tell who ever wants to listen about the message of love and hope that Jesus Christ offers to the world. He has served in several church and ministry leadership positions in Nigeria and was passionate about evangelism and young people.
He is still passionate about evangelism and young people and coordinates Healing on the streets (HOTS) for the Church. He and Vera also lead one of the Connect groups which are a great opportunity for closer fellowship and discipleship within the Church family.

Chris Stewart
Chris moved from the border between London and Kent to do his undergraduate degree here in Aberystwyth, and now works as a technical instructor in the Department of Theatre Film and Television Studies; from which he brings his knowledge to the technical department of Elim Aberystwyth and enjoys seeing others thrive in using their abilities.
Chris heads up the ministries for children in the church and has a passion for seeing family units uniting over the scriptures and seeing young people develop in their relationship with Jesus, so they can live their lives to the full.